Let’s listen to some podcasts. To start, we’ll use our web browser to go to various podcast websites and listen to some episodes. Later, we’ll try some applications (i.e., software programs) that are designed specifically for podcast searching, listening and subscribing.
When you visit the sites below, look for podcast episodes. Look for an audio player or button that will play an episode. For example, you might see a simple looking player like the one below.

These media players may look a bit different from website to website. Look for some type of “play” button (a triangle pointing to the right.)
History in the Making – Rob Sims
“… a podcast about the ripple effects of history. How did Athenian democracy influence our founding fathers? What boiled over in the French that led to the Revolution and the rise of Napoleon? History in the Making aims to drop you into the past so that you can see the future foreshadowed hours, days, or millennia before it happens. This is social evolution and biography wrapped up in storytelling.”
MatTalk Online – Jason Bryant
“The intent of Mat Talk Online was to provide the parents, fans and wrestlers in Virginia a place for discussion, results, rankings, news and event coverage”
600 Second Saga – Mariah Avix
“600 Second Saga is a weekly science fiction and fantasy podcast. Every week we feature an author and their vision of the fantastic, futuristic, and far-fetched. Each tale is an escape in less than ten minutes to a world of epic fantasy, cyberpunk, shifters, aliens, magic, and more.”
Deceived: The Moo Years – Alive & Social Network
“… the true story of one young man’s compelling, at times terrifying, former involvement with the martial arts cult Chung Moo Quan. Based on his soon to be published memoir, “Deceived: a Journey into Darkness”, author and producer Russell Johnson’s 12 week podcast combines a powerful narrative and witness interviews with martial artists, mind control experts and former victims of the Chung Moo Quan.”
Clutter Chronicles – Lori Koppelman
“One woman’s journey through stuff. This podcast series is an ongoing conversation with Mary, who calls herself a recovering hoarder. She is willing to share her up-til-now very private life in an effort to be helpful to others, may they be packrats, someone who loves a hoarder or those who just want to understand something that’s mystifying to them.”
Jobs in a Nutshell – Megumi Takeda
“… aims to shed light on what jobs entail in the real world and how to prepare for them. Each episode focuses on a profession or a career-related topic discussing facts, research, and interviews.”