What does it mean to be grounded?

What are the barriers to being grounded in a culture filled with distractions and how can we separate the signal from the noise to get grounded?

Being grounded means that you’re self-aware, don’t put on personas, are down-to-earth and solid but open and probably kind. You have confidence (but you’re not cocky), which means that you’re not prone to taking things personally. You’re comfortable with making meaningful decisions because you have figured out how to separate the signal from the noise; being grounded means that you focus on the important stuff.

You’re generally calm. Above all you are present! You’re living in the moment! You are not judgmental, but accepting of imperfections, including your own. This puts people at ease and that’s just one reason why they like you. Why can it be tough to be grounded in today’s world? What can we do to filter out the noise of smart phones, war drums and looping commercials that take us away from ourselves? Meditation, walking, yoga and even taking an improv class are just some ideas suggested.

Thank you…


If you can tell me what these references/links have to do with this episode, I will send you a postcard.

  1. Patton Oswalt. “Death Bed”, Werewolves and Lollipops. 2007. CD.
  2. AWARE – A Magazine for the Women of Hong Kong. R&R Publishing Ltd., Mar. 2014. Web. 26 Mar. 2016.
  3. Exploding origami envelope by Jeremy Shafer.

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