We begin with writer Michael Kleber-Diggs who contemplates whether he would ever be chosen for a survival team and end up at the doorstep of Mary Jane LaVigne and Allen Christian’s House of Balls, an art studio on the West Bank in Minneapolis. In between, there is a memorial service and everything you need to survive the apocalypse.
Michael Kleber-Diggs
We first heard Michael Kleber-Diggs at Story Club Minneapolis (find them on Facebook) at the Bryant Lake Bowl in Minneapolis. At the time I was working on an episode about “stuff” and thought the essay he presented – “Disaster Plan” – would fit nicely with what I was doing. So I was thrilled when Michael was able to join us for our storytelling event in February. If you would like an invitation to the next event, sign up for the newsletter.
Urban Forage Winery & Cider House
We held the event at the Urban Forage Winery & Cider House in Minneapolis.
Chester & Marcia
On Halloween 2018 I was invited to a duel memorial service under the Tenth Avenue Bridge in Minneapolis. I did not know the deceased, but my friend who did asked me to come to see if I could record the service. It was an honor to be there and an honor to hear stories about the couple from people who knew them. Tape from this day is included in this episode, although that wasn’t the original plan. It just turned out that way.
- The West Bank says goodbye to Chester’s hippie wonderland http://www.citypages.com/arts/the-west-bank-says-goodbye-to-chesters-hippie-wonderland/499339831
Note: Susan Du, the writer of the above article, was also at the memorial service and captures the scene nicely with words and pictures.
- West Bank’s Chester experienced early trauma as a child
What is something that you have that you should take to the Goodwill but for some reason can’t let it go?
The theme for our storytelling event this time around was “things you should let go but for some reason can’t.” Brian and I were sitting at the bar at Pizza Luce when the idea came to me. However it was Brian who jumped on it. He was right. Our “stuff” is a great source for stories that take us to some interesting places. In Patrick’s case, we end up in an old grain elevator.

© User: Runner1928 / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-3.0
Playing Bridge with the Roosevelts by Mary Jane LaVigne
Writer Mary Jane LaVigne reads “Playing Bridge with the Roosevelts”, which was published in the Chicago-based Slag Glass City that focuses on livable cities with a special interest in post-industrial greening of urban spaces “from rooftop gardens to elevated bike trails to vertical farms.” On the Slag site there’s a really nice picture of the House of Balls, Elmer and that big bear. Check it out!
Thank you…
Of course, thanks to everyone who came out to our storytelling event. Also, thanks to everyone who helped me with some recordings, Megumi, Michael, G.W., some cool people who attended the Design Lecture Series at the Walker Art Center and a very nice couple at Como Park. You all make doing this podcast a lot of fun!
- Simple Duet, Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
- Hep Cats, Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
- Smooth Lovin, Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
- Pennsylvania Rose, Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
- We Wish You, Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
- Vulcan, Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0